April 15, 2012

The topic of "Humanitarian Racism"

Over at Israel Thrives, the topic of humanitarian racism is under discussion. It is an important topic for several reasons. Racism should not be tolerated in any form.

Those who loudly proclaim to be "anti-racist" should not practice racism under the guise of acting as humanitarians or proponents of human rights. One need only examine the Durban Conference in September, 2001, and particularly the NGO Forum, to understand. Read about Durban here. Check out the narrative of Tom Lantos here. Look at some photos here. The photos below say it better than anything.



This from "humanitarians," no less.

As was mentioned in the Israel Thrives post, Manfred Gerstenfeld addresses contemporary humanitarian racism head on. The humanitarian racist considers that the non-white or weak cannot be held responsible for their acts, even if they commit major crimes. Humanitarian racists also deny the existence of racism among people of color. He quotes Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
“I studied social work for a year in the Netherlands. Our teachers taught us to look with different eyes toward the immigrant and the foreigner. They thought racism was a phenomenon that only appears among whites. My family in Somalia, however, educated me as a racist and told me that we Muslims were very superior to the Christian Kenyans. My mother thinks they are half-monkeys.”
Her foundation to protect and defend the rights of women in the West from oppression justified by religion and culture is here.

The underlying views of humanitarian racists are welcome in mainstream media and prevalent among the intelligentsia, who happen to disproportionately identify as progressive or Left. Regarding Israel, this comes out through the almost complete acceptance of the Palestinian narrative and its many falsehoods, its continuous promotion that Palestinians are purely victims and not also perpetrators of criminal acts. By adopting such a skewed and intellectually crude perception of reality, humanitarian racists have become supporters, allies and enablers of the worst Palestinian behavior.

Despite what else one may be, to consider Palestinians responsible for their criminal acts and aggression, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, like any human being should similarly be responsible, is not racist at all, humanitarian or otherwise. Except if one trends into Orwellian territory that "humanitarian" racists generally occupy.


  1. Good post, School.

    I find it amazing the shear number of issues that the Left will simply not address because they undermine their way of seeing the world.

    They live in a world grounded in ideology to such an extent that anything that betrays that ideology is simply filtered out.

    They won't discuss radical Islam.

    They won't discuss humanitarian racism.

    And, when it comes to "I-P" there are a whole slew of things, as I have posted at Israel Thrives, that are entirely verboten for discussion.

    What a disgrace.

    1. As I will get into soon (I hope), this tunnel mentality results in knowledge that is strikingly average as seen by those outside the tunnel.

    2. I'm looking forward to this, oldschool...

  2. Gerstenfeld nailed it, a must-read. Over the past year or so, I've generally found that, at certain blogs, those who most loudly proclaim themselves 'anti-racist' are, in fact, extremely racist in this way themselves, and some of them practice projection so much and so well they could single-handedly revive the drive-in movie theater in the US.

    1. If it was just an issue at the blogs, that would be great, but it extends into other and more direct areas of activism.

      As Israel's letter to the flytilla folks said:

      Therefore we suggest to let you solve first the real problems of the region, and then come back and share with us your experience.


      The problem is that the ONLY thing many of these "anti-racists" actually know about is the one sided Palestinian narrative, to the exclusion of virtually all else.

      Then they lecture about morality and norms from their "learned" understanding of the world.

    2. "If it was just an issue at the blogs, that would be great, but it extends into other and more direct areas of activism."

      Oh, absolutely. Good catch.

    3. It is easy to overestimate the importance of blogs and even some bloggers, many of whom largely dwell on second hand and diversionary issues in echo chambers of agreement, quick to look at others as enemies or deluded.

    4. "some of them practice projection so much and so well they could single-handedly revive the drive-in movie theater in ..."

      I'm stealing that.
